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Saturday, 29 March 2014
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Dipacari Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Tertekan
Selena Gomez mengaku tertekan menjadi pacar superstar remaja Justin
Bieber. Dia tak pernah menduga tekanan yang datang akan sedemikian kuat.
"Ini gila. Kadang-kadang aku merasa kewalahan karena mengalami hari yang buruk. Itu sangat gila," ujar Selena yang dilansir Showbizspy, Kamis (9/6/2011).
Meski begitu, aktris cantik ini berusaha tegar. Pengalaman sebagai seleb sejak usia 15 tahun membuatnya sedikit banyak bisa berhadapan dengan fans Justin yang rata-rata bersikap memusuhi.
"Aku telah menggeluti dunia hiburan sejak berusia 15 tahun. Jadi aku tahu, aku hanya perlu menjaga kepala ke bawah dan tidak memberikan orang-orang apa yang mereka inginkan," paparnya.
Selena baru-baru ini mengakui bahwa dia tidak suka menyembunyikan hubungan dengan penembang Baby itu.
"Aku tidak suka bersembunyi. Aku terpaksa melakukan itu untuk menjaga hal-hal tertentu kepada diriku sendiri. Tetapi aku sudah 18 tahun dan aku sedang jatuh cinta. Aku akan bergaul dengan orang-orang, dan aku akan mengeksplorasi diri sendiri," katanya.
Sejak hubungan asmara dengan Justin terekpos media massa, Selena kerap mendapat teror dari penggemar Justin yang mayoritas perempuan remaja.
Meski begitu, aktris cantik ini berusaha tegar. Pengalaman sebagai seleb sejak usia 15 tahun membuatnya sedikit banyak bisa berhadapan dengan fans Justin yang rata-rata bersikap memusuhi.
"Aku telah menggeluti dunia hiburan sejak berusia 15 tahun. Jadi aku tahu, aku hanya perlu menjaga kepala ke bawah dan tidak memberikan orang-orang apa yang mereka inginkan," paparnya.
Selena baru-baru ini mengakui bahwa dia tidak suka menyembunyikan hubungan dengan penembang Baby itu.
"Aku tidak suka bersembunyi. Aku terpaksa melakukan itu untuk menjaga hal-hal tertentu kepada diriku sendiri. Tetapi aku sudah 18 tahun dan aku sedang jatuh cinta. Aku akan bergaul dengan orang-orang, dan aku akan mengeksplorasi diri sendiri," katanya.
Sejak hubungan asmara dengan Justin terekpos media massa, Selena kerap mendapat teror dari penggemar Justin yang mayoritas perempuan remaja.
Anak Robert Downey Jr. Diduga Pecandu Obat Terlarang
Kabar mengejutkan datang dari pasangan Robert Downey Jr. dan Debora Falconer. Putra pertamanya, Indio Downey, saat ini sedang dirawat di panti rehabilitasi karena mengonsumsi obat-obatan terlarang.
"Ini adalah mimpi buruk untuk Robert karena anaknya sebelumnya belum pernah bermasalah," ujar seorang teman dekat keluarga Robert pekan lalu. "Dia sedang berdoa untuk kesembuhan Indio."
Meski demikian, sang ibu, Deborah Falconer, mengatakan bahwa masalah Indio sebenarnya tidak terlalu parah. Artis sekaligus penyanyi ini juga mengatakan bahwa Indio mendapatkan terapi holistik dan alami di panti.
"Dia tidak kecanduan. Dia hanya minum satu pil sehari," ungkap Deborah yang menikah dengan Robert tahun 1992 dan berpisah pada 2001 ini.
"Kami berharap bisa menggunakan cara homeopatik dibandingkan obat-obatan. Dia ditangani dengan vitamin dan makanan organik."
Indio, 20 tahun, sedang mengawali karier musiknya dengan band rock The Seems. Dia juga sempat beradu akting dengan sang ayah di Kiss Kiss Bang Bang pada 2005. Tahun ini, ia dijadwalkan ikut bermain dalam film Run For Roxanne.
Robert Downey Jr: Iron Man Mengubah Hidup Saya
Nama Robert Downey Jr mencuat sejak dia memerankan pahlawan super Iron Man. Pada sekuel ketiga, tokoh Iron Man diceritakan memilih pensiun dengan melepas Arc Reactor di dadanya dan kisahnya seperti berakhir. Namun, Downey ingin terus terlibat dalam film pahlawan super. Ia bahkan rela "memohon" pada tim Avenger agar dirinya bisa terus memerankan Iron Man.
"Saya meminta kepada mereka. Saya yakin bahwa Iron Man akan mengubah hidup saya," katanya pada Variety, Selasa, 25 Maret.
Aktor yang juga memerankan tokoh Sherlock Holmes ini mengakui bahwa usia 48 sudah termasuk tua untuk memerankan tokoh pahlawan super itu. Ia sadar cepat atau lambat Marvel akan mencari gantinya yang lebih muda.
Meski belum jelas kapan Downey akan digantikan, bagi dia menjadi salah satu yang terlibat dalam film sukses seperti Avenger dan Iron Man adalah suatu hal yang sangat membanggakan.
Downey akan kembali bergabung sebagai Tony Stark dengan Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, Thor, dan agen S.H.I.E.L.D lainnya dalam sekuel kedua Avenger: Age of Ultron. Sejauh ini, film arahan Joss Whedon itu masih dalam proses dan diperkirakan dirilis pada Mei 2015 mendatang
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Pep Guardiola Banjir Pujian Antarkan Bayern Munchen Juara Bundesliga 2013-2014
Kemenangan tersebut juga ibarat hadiah setelah Bayern dilanda krisis karena pengunduran diri Uli Hoeness yang tersandung penggelapan pajak. Tak heran jika Guardiola mendapat pujian dari banyak pihak. "Musim ini kami memainkan sepakbola yang fenomenal. Saya rasa hal ini tidak akan terjadi pada sepuluh tahun lalu," kata penjaga gawang Bayern, Manuel Neuer. "Kami sangat senang memiliki Pep Guardiola di sini. Dia membuat permainan kami jadi berkembang."
"Guardiola menambahkan dimensi baru dalam pekerjaannya," puji chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge. Sementara seorang fans mengungkap, "Ketika orang berbakat bekerja keras, mereka meraih sukses dan Pep Guardiola kembali membuktikannya."
Ini merupakan gelar juara Bundesliga pertama untuk pelatih Guardiola. Ia sekaligus mengalahkan rekor eks pelatih Munchen, Jupp Heynckes, yang musim lalu mendampingi tim meraih kemenangan di pekan ke-28. Sedangkan Guardiola membantu kemenangan tim di pekan ke-27 dengan 7 laga tersisa. Namun dengan prestasi tersebut, Guardiola tetap berusaha bersikap rendah hati.
"Aku memenangkan banyak gelar juara, karena aku memiliki pemain yang hebat," sahut eks pelatih Barcelona ini. "Mereka yang lebih berhak mendapat pujian. Mereka sangat luar biasa. Aku ingin berterima kasih pada mereka. Kemenangan ini juga untuk Uli Hoeness. Dia adalah orang terpenting di klub ini."
Guardiola mengaku kalau ia hanya sekedar melanjutkan kerja keras dari Heynckes. "Kami memenangkan gelar dengan kerja keras dan ketika anda lihat apa yang sudah diraih Heynckes di musim lalu, ini adalah salah satu cara agar kami bisa lebih baik. Dia yang meletakkan dasar itu," sahutnya.
Kemenangan Bayern di Bundesliga dipastikan setelah melakoni laga melawan Herta Berlin, Selasa (25/3). Laga dengan skor 3-1 itu mengantarkan Bayern mengemas 77 poin dan berjarak 25 angka di atas Borussia Dortmund yang berada di posisi kedua.
Perceraian Gwyneth Paltrow Hasil Cari Berita
Selasa, 25 Maret lalu, pasangan Gwyneth Paltrow dengan Chris Martin mengumumkan
perpisahan mereka. Setelah satu tahun berjuang untuk menyelamatkan rumah
tangganya, akhirnya mereka menyerah.
Sayang, Gwyneth
tidak membeberkan alasan perpisahannya dengan rocker asal Inggris itu. Begitu
juga Chris. Ia meminta diberi ruang privasi di masa-masa sulitnya.
Sikap diam
Gwyneth dan Chris menimbulkan kabar tak sedap. Gwyneth dikabarkan selingkuh
dengan pria lain. Sebelum mereka mengumumkan perpisahannya, bintang "Iron Man" ini
dikabarkan terlibat hubungan rahasia dengan Kevin Yorn, seorang pengacara
Tak hanya dengan
Yorn, Gwyneth juga sempat dikait-kaitkan dengan mantan kekasihnya, Donovan
Seperti dikutip
dari Daily Mail,
rumor kedekatan Gwyneth dan Donovan berciuman saat menonton pertandingan bisbol
di Los Angeles tahun
Kedekatan Gwyneth
dan Donovan dibantah perwakilan artis berusia 41 tahun ini. "Ini
benar-benar tidak masuk akal. Donovan menjadi teman dekat Gwyneth selama lebih
dari 20 tahun," ujar perwakilan Gwyneth.
Ia menambahkan,
foto ciuman yang beredar itu adalah saat Donovan baru tiba di pertandingan. Pihak
Gwyneth menganggap ciuman itu bukan sesuatu yang istimewa.
"Ciuman halo
saat ia tiba di pertandingan. Apakah kalau Anda pikir mereka selingkuh, ia akan
membawa anak-anaknya ke pertandingan," ujarnya.
Malia Obama, Sasha Obama Look All Grown Up During China Trip With Michelle Obama

The First Daughters -- all grown up and gorgeous! Malia and Sasha Obama have joined their mom Michelle Obama and grandmom Marian Robinson
in China for a seven-day, three-city goodwill tour that focuses on
cultural and educational exchange. The quartet's first top was in the
city of Beijing on Friday, March 21, where all four ladies were
photographed looking beautiful in a group shot with Chinese President Xi Jinping and his own first lady, Peng Liyuan.
Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake Heat Up Barbados
Wakeboarding, yachts, romance, and azure waters are exactly what the doctor ordered for Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake.
The "Mirrors" singer, 33, has been touring non-stop around the globe, but the hunky crooner spent the weekend taking a quick break and treating his wife, 32, to a romantic vacation in Barbados.
The sexy stars showed off their beach bodies as they sunned themselves on a private boat, before they both went wakeboarding. Timberlake looked more at ease on his board, but the naturally athletic Biel looked equally sporty as she zipped through the water in a blue bikini which showcased her sleek physique.
Later, the pair took a swim together in the tropical waters before kicking back and relaxing on the boat.
Timberlake's hectic tour schedule, which picks up again when he heads to London on March 30, hasn't left much time to spend with his Mrs. The duo, who have been married since October 2012, were last photographed together in November 2013 and Biel attended the Oscars solo this year, leading many to believe that they may be going through a rough patch.
Justin Timberlake shows off his wakeboarding skills. Credit: Splash News
From the looks of it, there's no trouble in paradise; they are just
enjoying paradise. The lovebirds appeared happier than ever and were
smiling and laughing in the snaps.
Despite their demanding careers – Biel is set to star in the Diane Bell-directed flick "Shiva and May" this year while Timberlake's 20/20 Experience Tour runs through October – the cute couple seem to be making the most of the time they have together. It sure looks like there are plenty of sunny skies ahead for them.
The duo have the look of love. Credit: Splash News
The "Mirrors" singer, 33, has been touring non-stop around the globe, but the hunky crooner spent the weekend taking a quick break and treating his wife, 32, to a romantic vacation in Barbados.
The sexy stars showed off their beach bodies as they sunned themselves on a private boat, before they both went wakeboarding. Timberlake looked more at ease on his board, but the naturally athletic Biel looked equally sporty as she zipped through the water in a blue bikini which showcased her sleek physique.
Later, the pair took a swim together in the tropical waters before kicking back and relaxing on the boat.
Timberlake's hectic tour schedule, which picks up again when he heads to London on March 30, hasn't left much time to spend with his Mrs. The duo, who have been married since October 2012, were last photographed together in November 2013 and Biel attended the Oscars solo this year, leading many to believe that they may be going through a rough patch.

Despite their demanding careers – Biel is set to star in the Diane Bell-directed flick "Shiva and May" this year while Timberlake's 20/20 Experience Tour runs through October – the cute couple seem to be making the most of the time they have together. It sure looks like there are plenty of sunny skies ahead for them.

Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and Vogue redefine the art of the magazine cover
The US Vogue cover, shot by Annie Leibovitz.
The US Vogue cover, shot by Annie Leibovitz. Source: AP
SELECTING a photo for the cover of a pop-culture magazine used to be a simple equation. The cover star needed to be as recognisable as possible, but not so recognisable that he or she had nothing left to tell readers.
Plus, they needed to be white (magazine editors have for decades believed that black people don’t sell magazines), and not wearing sunglasses.
Other than that, the decision was usually a simple balance between popularity and intrigue. This week, all that changed, as US Vogue’s cover of Kimye (Kim Kardashian and Kanye West) is proving. It is either a disaster or a publicity stunt that confirms longstanding editor-in-chief Anna Wintour’s publishing genius. Her explanation for the cover choice, published in her editor’s letter, foretells the controversy it is now causing: “Part of the pleasure of editing Vogue, one that lies in a long tradition of this magazine, is being able to feature those who define the culture at any given moment, who stir things up, whose presence in the world shapes the way it looks and influences the way we see it. “I think we can all agree on the fact that that role is currently being played by Kim and Kanye to a T. (Or perhaps that should be to a K?) As for the cover, my opinion is that it is both charming and touching.”
If the shot is charming and touching, thousands of readers missed it. In what might be a first for a fashion magazine, the cover has inspired its own garment – a T-shirt with Anna Wintour’s face behind a red circle and line on it. There is also a hashtag, #wintourisover, and even an online petition urging readers to boycott the issue. The magazine’s official hashtag, #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple, mostly features criticism and Photoshopped spoofs of the cover. Cara Kelly in The Washington Post said the cover of US Vogue had been gradually acquiring kudos beyond the fashion world since Hillary Clinton graced it in 1998. Kardashian threatened to undermine that. “Does a reality TV show and an impressive social media following rise to this bar?” she asked. “Is Vogue telling people that a sex tape and a gig with E! are desirable goals for young women?” Even Naomi Campbell questioned it, albeit implicitly. Asked by Kylie Gillies on The Morning Show what she thought, Campbell replied: “I do not want to comment. I’m a fashion model and I’ve been working for 28 years. When you get a Vogue cover, it’s a build to your career… I’m a fashion model, what more can I say? I'm being politically correct. That’s Anna Wintour’s choice to put them on the cover of her magazine. Who’s to question it?” The answer to that is, everyone.
Other than that, the decision was usually a simple balance between popularity and intrigue. This week, all that changed, as US Vogue’s cover of Kimye (Kim Kardashian and Kanye West) is proving. It is either a disaster or a publicity stunt that confirms longstanding editor-in-chief Anna Wintour’s publishing genius. Her explanation for the cover choice, published in her editor’s letter, foretells the controversy it is now causing: “Part of the pleasure of editing Vogue, one that lies in a long tradition of this magazine, is being able to feature those who define the culture at any given moment, who stir things up, whose presence in the world shapes the way it looks and influences the way we see it. “I think we can all agree on the fact that that role is currently being played by Kim and Kanye to a T. (Or perhaps that should be to a K?) As for the cover, my opinion is that it is both charming and touching.”
If the shot is charming and touching, thousands of readers missed it. In what might be a first for a fashion magazine, the cover has inspired its own garment – a T-shirt with Anna Wintour’s face behind a red circle and line on it. There is also a hashtag, #wintourisover, and even an online petition urging readers to boycott the issue. The magazine’s official hashtag, #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple, mostly features criticism and Photoshopped spoofs of the cover. Cara Kelly in The Washington Post said the cover of US Vogue had been gradually acquiring kudos beyond the fashion world since Hillary Clinton graced it in 1998. Kardashian threatened to undermine that. “Does a reality TV show and an impressive social media following rise to this bar?” she asked. “Is Vogue telling people that a sex tape and a gig with E! are desirable goals for young women?” Even Naomi Campbell questioned it, albeit implicitly. Asked by Kylie Gillies on The Morning Show what she thought, Campbell replied: “I do not want to comment. I’m a fashion model and I’ve been working for 28 years. When you get a Vogue cover, it’s a build to your career… I’m a fashion model, what more can I say? I'm being politically correct. That’s Anna Wintour’s choice to put them on the cover of her magazine. Who’s to question it?” The answer to that is, everyone.
Kim Kardashian has scary encounter with intruder
Police were called to Kris Jenner’s home after daughter Kim Kardashian had a scary run-in with a male stalker on Sunday.
The ‘Peeping Tom’ was peering into a window at Jenner’s hidden hills mansion when Kim came face-to-face with the intruder and called the police.
In a bid to justify bypassing security to get close to the reality star, the stalker told police that he was Kendall Jenner’s boyfriend and Justin Bieber’s step brother. Of course, both claims turned out to be false.
The peeping tom was taken away from the scene and placed in an involuntary psychiatric hold as the local police department deemed him to have a mental disorder.
This frightening incident comes just weeks after sisters Khloe and Kourtney were robbed of almost $250,000 worth of jewellery and cash.
Kim and hubby-to-be Kanye recently graced the cover of US Vogue with the adorable North.
Sunday, 23 March 2014
Megan Fox Tampil Seksi Demi Lelaki Baru
Kabar bahagia datang dari pasangan selebritis dunia Megan Fox dan Bryan Austin Green. 12 Februari lalu, Megan melahirkan putra kedua yang diberi nama Bodhi Ransom Green.
Nama Bodhi sendiri terinspirasi dari istilah-istilah dalam agama Budha yang berarti tersadar atau bangun. Dalam agama Budha, istilah ini berarti pemahaman tentang segala hal yang bersifat alami.
Dan untuk pertama kalinya, pasca melahirkan Bodhi, Megan pun mulai percaya diri muncul di hadapan umum.
Wanita berusia 27 tahun itu terlihat cantik dengan menggunakan baju berkerah V, legging hitam, mengenakan sepatu kets berwarna cerah, memakai kalung serta tas berwarna merah. Tak lupa ia pun melindungi mata indahnya dengan menggunakan kacamata hitam.
Dilansir Hollywood Life, Megan mengaku berbeda dengan kelahiran putra pertamanya, Noah, yang membuatnya kewalahan, kehadiran Bodhi justru membuatnya lebih tenang.
"Noah lebih lincah, sementara Bodhi, seperti namanya, memiliki kepribadian yang tenang," kata Megan.
Hadirnya Bodhi, menambah "deretan" lelaki dalam kehidupan Megan. Selain memiliki dua orang jagoan dalam keluarga kecilnya itu. Megan juga menjadi ibu tiri dari Kassius, putra Bryan Green dari pernikahan sebelumnya.
Alyssa Soebandono Jelaskan Arti Mas Kawin yang Ia Minta
DUDE Harlino menikahi Alyssa Soebandono dengan mas kawin uang tunai sebesar Rp 2.203.014 dan Sajadah.
Semua mas kawin yang diminta Alyssa memiliki makna. Dude pun wajib memenuhi permintaan istrinya.
"Angka itu hari pernikahan kita, kalau sejadah Icha yang meminta. Jumlah nominal pun Icha yang minta, saya wajib memenuhi ya," ujar Dude usai akad di dalam jumpa pers di TMII, Jakarta Timur, Sabtu (22/3).
"Itu keikhlasan saya meminta kenapa? karena tanggal pernikahan," timpal Icha disamping Dude.
Sedangkan benda yang diminta untuk maskawin, Alyssa menerangkan kalau itu hanya simbol kesederhanaan menerima apa adanya.
"Kalau sejadah itu ada arti insya Allah itu simbol, ini semua permulaan, saya ingin enggak lihat apa yang diberikan dude. Mahar simbol, gimana menjalankannya, keikhlasan istri," papar Icha.
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